I love new beginnings, and the best part is they don’t always start at the very first of a month or year. New adventure is all around us on a daily basis and its entirely up to us to find them to embark on.
A new client is a new adventure. A new bit of kit for the office is a new adventure. What is often not seen this way because it is not seen in this light. A new starter in your business is a new adventure for you both.
New starters present two new adventures. One adventure is the one from the perspective of the person who is starting their new role and one is your adventure of including them into your team as the business.
So often staff retention failures happen in the smallest things at the randomest moments. No log in to the email system on day 1 means people cannot start to settle in as an example.
No matter who you are, if you do not feel valued and valuable form day one in a new role, you start to question if this is the right move you have made.
One of the services I offer as part of the staff retention work I do is an in depth review of the onboarding process and experience for clients. Could yours use a review or refresh? Get in touch if your “spidey senses” are tingling and you are questioning if things could be better.